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Research of Post-sales Service Market for Financial Self-support Equipment


Self-service equipment supplier are facing business transformation; MIR helps customers to understand self-service equipment post-sales service market, analyze market trends, customer needs, business model and competitors’ activities, to formulate post-sales service marketing strategy.

Areas of concern:Financial Equipment

area of research:financial self-service equipment, and after-sales service

Type of study:product research

with the increasing installation number of self-service equipment, the bank customers’ demand for post-sales service of self-service equipment is also increasing. At the same time, owing to the transformation of the bank physical network, the rise of new outsourcing model, the self-service equipment suppliers urgently need to have a thorough analysis of after-sales service market, to formulate future after-sales service market strategy.

1. after-sales service market classification 2. after-sales service market business model analysis, 3. after-sales service market customer demand analysis 4. after-sales service market competitors’ strategy research

By interviewing with industry experts, users, after-sales service providers, after-sales service providers and so on, MIR completes the report and offers customers with product and market development proposals