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e-commerce market for automated products

February 2017

understand the market scale and market scale growth trend of authomation products on e-commerce platform; the operation mode of main B2B platform; in-depth understanding of how operate automation vendors operate business platform, product launch, cooperation platform, and pricing strategy, and analysis of typical manufacturers business operations

Areas of concern:Industrial products e-commerce and digital marketing

area of research:automation products, e-commerce platform

Type of study:sales channel research

With the progress of science and technology, consumer's buying channels have changed; in addition to traditional sales channels, e-commerce gradually rise, various brands began to focus on e-commerce channels, and industrial e-commerce has become a key topic; for the operation of automation products in the e-commerce platform, automation vendors' degrees of attention varies obviously.

1. understand the overall market size, subdivision products market size, and increase rate changing trend of automatic products in e-commerce platform; 2. understand the main B2B platform operation mode; 3. Understand the business operation analysis of typical automation vendors in the industry

design project implementation plan; carry out phone call visits and interviews, collection, integrate, and analyze data and estimate the size of the market; obtain the B2B platform operation mode of main industrial products; provide advice for market expansion of automation products online business